The big crape myrtle trees welcome me every time I visit here.
Let's not rushing thru! Take it slow and enjoy these pretty trees.
In a residential area at the peak of a small hill, The Enkou-ji Temple is nestled quietly. In the morning, in front of the temple gate sparkled around the morning beams and showing off its stunning looks of leaves and mosses glittering with fresh dew. This temple's stone paved long gateway continues to the top of the hill. When you reach to the top, you have to turn around and look back, you will find the most spectacular view of entire Kyoto town spread out in front of you. This temple is also famous for this striking view of Kyoto.
The big crape myrtle trees welcome me every time I visit here.
Let's not rushing thru! Take it slow and enjoy these pretty trees.
Listen for the mystic and pretty sound of “Suikinkutsu”; a stone pot that makes the drip-dripping sound of water drops.
It is relaxing to listen to this lovely tiny sound; see the reflection in the water? Finding some signs for the season changes? Shadows of the trees and leaves, or the flower arrangements?
Enjoying the garden? viewing from the hall is always the best? How about the backwards today? Pleasant surprise with a stunning look of the main hall sitting there for you. As walking through the garden, find anything special to you?
This is my most favorite frame of the view here. Layers of layers of different greens…. Powerful rocks are even becoming quiet residents of the garden… Jizo statues are all around the garden, let's greet to them into their eye-level and see how they are doing….sometimes you find a world differencet world down there. Try different prospective is always letting you to see something new, isn't it?
It is weird. Whenever I stepped into the Zazen-do (meditation hall) I find my self sitting straight, so straight, never been slouching.
Buddha statues are usually sitting in the way back and supposed be face right across from you.
But Buddha here feels like having meditation with me, sitting right over there, feels much closer to me.
Don't forget to peek him through the window when you went out to the garden too.
It is very interesting that you will find something different.
Enkou-ji Temple is a famous for the autumn colors, but this temple also has very beautiful mosses in their garden. I like the season of new green leaves. Entire temple will be covered by this beautiful shades of greens. This looks stunning. Especially in the early morning after a shower, dews and sparkles are glowing on those many different shades of puffed up greens, it becomes quite a picture there.
From the veranda, you may be able to catch that lovely sound of Suikinkutsu again. Such a quiet and relaxing time you can find here … After seeing the garden from the main hall, you've got to try the other way too. You can see the views of the roof of the main hall and the inner garden beyond.
Hot red flowers of crape myrtle trees at the entrance are going to be spectacular in the fall. The contrast of those reds and the greens from the garden is absolutely magnificent. This is just a little before the autumn colors are started. Though the crape myrtle trees have a strong presence, almost as if they symbolize the garden, but they don't show off all at once; they are humble, and gracious.
I often stop while walking in the garden and look up at the crape myrtle trees; I like to sit and face a jizo statue, or reach to a waterfall and feel the water. Don't get so overwhelmed by size of this garden. Keep your eyes and mind open to where your heart feels interested or curious about. Beauty of this garden is extended into so many beautiful small places…. See and if you can find the details of this magnificent garden.
※May be changed without notice admission time. The official site for the latest information each temple Please check.