高校生のときにね、詩仙堂にチャールズ皇太子とダイアナ妃が来られてそのときオフィシャルで入っていたカメラマンが父だったんです。で、僕は授業サボってそれを見にいってて・・・(笑) ダイアナ妃の靴の写真とか、そのときのオフショットが家にあったりしてね。ただそのときもまだ父の仕事を大したことだとは思ってなかったんです。
Photographer: Mitsuyuki Nakajima
We first start off the “Katarau (Dialogue)” section with our photographer, Mitsuyuki Nakajima, and his very interesting back story of this entire concept of “Sandome no Kyoto” project.
Nakajima is a professional photographer, born and raised Kyoto-Native, with extremely keen and delicate eyes to captivate many different degrees of Kyoto and its special culture to others. He has been specialized in photography of Kyoto's Temples, Shrines and Buddha Statues. He pioneered his own way to optimize those Kyoto's special culture and beauty to express that out to the world with his own words.
He will share his passions and beautiful photographs through out this web site. Let's explore his arts and hearts. It will be fun to see very special Kyoto that you never been to, world heritage ancient Kyoto thru a brand new set of eyes.
Q1. We are so curious why and how you started photographing Kyoto's temples.
Nakajima: My father is a photographer, specialized in temples and Buddha statues and the ancient arts from Kyoto. I grew up with those photographs and images all around me in my childhood. And of course with cameras as well. To be honest, I never found it so exciting, interesting or anything… I had never dreamed about picking up a camera as my career either.
When I was in High School, British Royal Couple, Prince Charles and Princess Diana came to visit Kyoto. They took a trip to Shisendo, and their official photographer at Shisendo was my father. I skipped school and went to see them. (Laughs)
I still remember some off-shots, unofficial shots, like Princess Diana's shoes and so forth at our home. Even at that time, with such a big event and privilege that my father honored, I didn't realize how awesome my father's job was.
When I was in college, I finally started realizing that my father was doing something very valuable. After I graduated, I had an urge to get some sort of skills, and decided to give it photography a try. It was more like natural consequences rather “being struck in a head” milestone or any “eye opening drama” happened and prompted me into Photography like other great photographers' key-moment stories.

出版社に入った当初はね、カメラマンっていうのはスタジオでモデルを「いいよいいよ」って言いながら撮るもんだと思ってたけど、実際は倉庫みたいなところで仏像や美術品と対峙する毎日で、師弟関係も厳しくて、思い描いてたカメラマンのイメージとあまりにもかけ離れてたんで『全然華やかちゃうやん!』って思ってましたね(笑) 本当に修行のような九年間でした。
Photographer: Mitsuyuki Nakajima
Q2. When did you actually start shooting?
Nakajima: I started right after I graduated from college. My father introduced me to a photography department of an art publishing company called “Benrido”. I was transferred to their Tokyo office, being trained for three years, then came back to Kyoto and stayed there for another six years.
I took only temples' photos for the first nine years, using analog “old school” cameras for their exhibition brochures or coffee-table picture books. I also took pictures of cultural heritage sites as of Japanese government's projects.
When I just started, I thought I would be taking photos of models in a cool set up in the studio. The reality was, though, much harder and tougher, shooting Buddha statues, paintings, potteries, and so in the dark-warehouse-like back shed of the temples; it was far different from what I was fantasizing. I was like… “hey who said this would be a fun and cool job!!” lol
I cannot believe how hard the first nine years was!
Nakajima: When I look back those old days, now I see it, as a freelance photographer, it was such an incredible privilege to capture those genuine, historical art pieces that you won't even be allowed to enjoy in a real life in person!
I ‘ve got to see and know many valuable astonishing art pieces. One time I took pictures of secret Buddha statues, which were considered as valuable as national treasures. Those were quite significant experiences.

Photographer: Mitsuyuki Nakajima
Q3. So, you didn't recognize the value at the time?
Nakajima: After I became a freelance photographer, my shooting subjects became far different from the Buddha statues and historical pieces of art, I craved for “real” beauty and missed what I used to shoot. There are ton of temples in Kyoto, as you know. It is always fun to hit the major guide-booked temples and shrines, but Kyoto can offer so much more interesting stories in many more extraordinary small temples. I just simply thought that I could be a guide to those who had already been and seen the major spots or temples in Kyoto. I always thought, “it is time to know the real Kyoto spirits! I will lead your way!”
Come back again! And again! Your third Kyoto trip, you will find the real taste of Kyoto essences.

Photographer: Mitsuyuki Nakajima
Q4. Was that your major motivation for to launch this “Sandome no Kyoto” project?
Nakajima: Yes. I wanted to let people know more about the temples that are not on the major guidebooks or on the route of sightseeing tour busses. I always thought “how can I introduce ‘nice temples' that I know?” I had a chance to chat over this with Mr. Sudo, who at the time was also a freelance photographer. When he launched his new company “Discovery-go”, he told me “it was the time to give the vision a reality.”
I was taking pictures of temples even after I became a freelancer, photos are just keep piling up in my disks without any opportunity to be shared with anyone. I couldn't find the way out of this dilemma, but until I talk to Mr. Sudo and his team. As more people got interested and drawn into my ideas, we started forming a concept and finally it became e a website idea of the “Sandome no Kyoto” project.
Q5. You mentioned that you had taken photos of temples and so forth even after you became a freelance photographer, had you had any job offer for the shoots from those temples?
Nakajima: I have some calls and offers of work from temples, but not as many as I used to …, especially after I became a freelance photographer. I was the one offering and asking temples to allow me to take some pictures. I don't get paid from those works, though. So I had to reduce them and took other opportunities to make myself living.

Photographer: Mitsuyuki Nakajima
Q6. Changing the subject a little bit, in this difficult time, do you think it became harder for temple owners to maintain their temples?
Nakajima: It costs tremendous amount of money to maintain temples; their interiors and exteriors, which requires specials and professionals to keep them in good shape. And uses of admission incomes are major use for that type of expenses and cost for them. They do receive some donations but it becomes more insignificant toward their income nowadays.
Q7. If so, the “Sandome no Kyoto” project might become some of help and support to those temples. Especially for those small ones as one of the project members, I see this project might play a role as that can be substantial to those small temples!
Nakajima: Helping small temples is not necessarily the primary goal of this project. And I was not asked to promote any of those that I share here as well. I just wanted to say, “Why don't you come to these amazing temples?” I want people to know, especially those who have been to Kyoto several times already, “Sandome no Kyoto” can help you to discover better and more exciting Kyoto-experience. Some says those smaller temples were for you to visit when you got wiser and older, but why not now? Even younger generation can appreciate the tranquility, definitely less and fewer people to juggling through. Those temples can offer you so many feels and atmosphere; you may enjoy or even remember later on.

Photographer: Mitsuyuki Nakajima
Q8. As you mentioned, this temple visit can be memorable and appreciated in a few years later. When you were young, you could not see it but it pops coming back to you and made you think about it in later on your life. I think younger generations never occur to be so close to temples or shrines, but I hope this projects fill up this gap between younger people and temples.
Nakajima: I think people should visit temples more! Not because you are on the sightseeing package tour. Visit there to take a deep breath and winding down a bit, you can drop by to read the book, or magazine. So much richer experience than at Starbucks.
If we could help people to visit and enjoy being at temples, it would be our ultimate accomplishment!

Photographer: Mitsuyuki Nakajima
Q9. Many of those creators prefer to take visits to café or museums, visiting temples can be the same, you think?
Nakajima: Most definitely! I believe that is the best place to enhance your sensible creativities and passions. It would make a world difference! Soak your self into the perfect tranquility and calmness that you can trip into, separate yourself from the noises that surrounded you.. It may sound a bit deep and complicated, but there is nothing like that! “Taking a moment to see yourself and put your self deep into YOU!” . I think temples are places that give us time, even if only for 5 minutes, and help us to clear our minds. It can make a difference in your life, even if you can only do it once a month. Take, a quick road trip to Kyoto just sit on the veranda of a temple for an hour and then go back on road home. Sounds pretty luxurious, doesn't it?
Q10. I visited Shisendo and Enkou Temples for the first time after I had a chance to know them thru “Sandome no Kyoto” project. Much less crowded than those major ones on the guidebook. They had very quiet and relaxing atmospheres. Even though my first time visiting those temples, I felt kind of nostalgic.
Nakajima: If you visit twice or more, more you go, you will find something more and new. And you might even feel like, “I'm back!” (Laughs). Those temples are the perfect size, not too big or not too small. They feel like home. Temples that have high cathedrals are impressive, but, personally, I prefer the smaller homey temples.

Photographer: Mitsuyuki Nakajima
Nakajima: I showed you some pictures of those two temples before you visited them, what was it like when you actually saw them in person?
I was a bit worried because I was already familiar with many scenes from your photos, as if I may not be able to enjoy the temples in person after, however it was very pleasant experience! I could find there were may enjoyable moments to be there. I could find many things that were not in the pictures you had shown me. The sound inside the temples was nice and peaceful. Plus I enjoyed looking for the angles of the scene from the photos you captured.
Nakajima: When you actually take a visit there, you will be able to see how the photos were taken at the locations. You even may find yourself enjoying the “treasure hunting game”. I intentionally don't take any self-explanatory pictures. I want you to find some interests at our website of the “Sandome no Kyoto” project, or if you've been there already, hope we can find your feelings and memories at the temple on the website, I don't want to explain anything about the different schools of religions, or the meanings of the different Buddha statues, because I don't want to force my knowledge on others. I just want people to feel the atmosphere.
My pictures only describe “my favorite places” from “my point of view”, so I would like you to find your favorite place from your point of view.
(November 2012)