Because of its cozy and friendly atmosphere, whenever I come here, I feel like I'm visiting my dearest friends.
You can find a small gate at the foot of the mountain. Go ahead! Step in! The air will be completely different from the one where you were. It feels clean and fresh. After you come up the hilly path, there you will find the entrance to the temple. The temple has a very simple architecture style that is very peculiar to zen temples. Simple-ness offers so much for you to see.
Because of its cozy and friendly atmosphere, whenever I come here, I feel like I'm visiting my dearest friends.
Take off your shoes and step into the hall;
A view of beautiful garden framed around with its meticulously crafted veranda and eaves will be spread out in front of your eyes.
Take a few steps back and see? You will find the temple peaks out in the scene that hidden in the earlier.
See the garden through the window.
The round shape of the window frame shape out the scene of the garden…. Is this shape reminds you blooming flowers too?
Is there any boarder line in between gardens and mountains in this scenery? Reachable and non-reachable… natural beauty.... seeing one beautiful seamless piece of art in this temple makes you wonder.
Let the sound of water lead you to, you will find it there it is!
Some parts of this temple are weathered and aged.
But they are aging pretty well.
It adds a richer depth to the scenery.
Early morning is the best time to visit this temple. Much fewer visitors of course, but at the Eastern foot of the mountains, this temple doesn't get much light in the dim of winter morning and it helps to create tranquility that you can appreciate. As the morning lights grow, you will see the magical transformation that the lights can play; gradually the rays spreading over the garden and it is spectacular to witness this precious moment.
I usually sit on the veranda and look out the garden. I often find myself enjoying seeing into the details of the garden views. From this garden you can see the mountains, which create a perfect backdrop to the view in a harmony between man-made garden and super Mother Nature mountain views.
Shisendo's garden is famous for the Satsuki Azaleas, but I really like the seasons of early summer of fresh green and autumn with the beautiful passionate colors of leaves the best. In the season of autumn leaves, the best time to visit is at dusk. If you stay till just about they close, again will be fewer people there, and you can enjoy the beautiful light shows as the sunlight spilled over the entire garden.
In the summer, I also like to come in the early morning. Kyoto's summer lights during the day can be harsh and too strong to enjoy the garden. Daytime on cloudy or rainy days is also gorgeous and nice as you can see the beautiful green foliage lit by soft dimmed lights. On the other hand, the garden in winter has a humble color palette, with the highlights of the red camellias blooming, and the garden becomes more to itself; a Zen temple. It is breath-taking view in the late afternoon as the low sunbeams from the west, quickly filling in the entire temple.
(Mitsuyuki Nakajima)
※May be changed without notice admission time. The official site for the latest information each temple Please check.